Saturday, November 14, 2009

Writing Prompt: personify an emotion

Dear Joy,

How are you? Have any new songs been written about you lately? I bet people always expect you at their holidays. It's a lot to live up to. Why don't you always show up when expected? I guess I understand how hard it must be to be invited to everybody's party on the same day... but no invitations on that random Tuesday in February. Are you still hanging out on those college campuses most of the year? Are those other emotions still there... like intensity, immaturity and depression? With so many emotions there I'm sure you don't feel very special.

Anyway, I have some questions I'd love for you to answer. Please write back if you can. How does it make you feel when you show up somewhere unannounced and the people don't recognize you, let alone appreciate you? What emotions do you hold, Joy? Sometimes people lose touch with you- how can they get back in contact? And, most importantly to me, what is your relationship to God?

Okay, got to go now. Write or stop by anytime. I'll keep my eye out for you.

Your friend,

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