Sunday, November 22, 2009

No Foam

So, I was sitting in Border's bookstore cafe trying to think of something to write about. A prompt, if you will. Just then, from across the cafe, a certain phrase was uttered by a customer ordering a latte or something and suddenly... inspiration hits. Here it is. The phrase was "no foam".

No foam. No one home.
Who's to say what's right or wrong.
Seeking, seeking here.

Now, a little insight. I finished the work at the word "seeking" and then thought "maybe it could be a hiaku". Well, as it turns out I was one syllable away from a proper haiku! So I added the word "here" at the end. Count the syllables! The meter is 5 syllables for the first line, 7 for the second and 5 for the third.

To use a seventh-grade phrase that happens to fit here... I was a poet and I didn't know it*.

Heh heh.

*I must give credit to Christopher because he was instrumental in placing the concept of the haiku in the forefront of my subconscious when he sent me haikus in our courtship. Many thanks for enriching my life, my love! :)

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