Saturday, November 21, 2009

Prompt 3: There are days when...

There are days when I feel good and days when I don't. There are days when I play my violin and days when I don't. There are days when things are clear and the path is known. There are days when I have no idea where I'm going.

There are days that are warm and days that are cold. Days that are long and days that are short.

Days like daisies, growing as they should.
Days like days like days like days.

There are days when I know things and days when I don't know the same things.

There are dark days with clouds and no thunder to make them exciting. Days in which the weight of the work of day-to-day is too much to bear. Days that cause doubt and days that drag on.

There is To-day but never tomorrow.

Why days and not hours? Days mirror each other so well. Repetition, repeat, boring but necessary.

I can remember days that were better and cold ones that were worse.


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