Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturdays with Lots To Do

Okay, it's Saturday morning.  I've had my caffeine.  I've enjoyed sitting around in pajamas a bit.  It's 8 am and I've been up for about two hours now.  I have watched TVoed episodes of Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann.  I'm sufficiently outraged at Big Corporate and how they get rich while most people get poor.  I've had breakfast and played with Kitty.  I have plans to run at 10 am with Joslyne.  Christopher is still sleeping and I can get cracking on that great big "To Do" list running in my head.

But what to start with?  Read those books that I have borrowed from others and need to return?  Dust the furniture after the minor repair work we had done this week?  Finally make sense of that room in the front of the house that has no purpose and is just a catch-all of random stuff?  Start a load of laundry?  Start correcting the test I gave last week?  Format the digital pics from our wedding so we can order some prints to hang in our living room?  Call a friend I want to catch up with?  Prepare a surprise for Christopher before he gets up?  Modify and update the spreadsheet of our finances?  Spend time meditating and getting spiritual?

Now I hear my Mother's voice in my head... "If your biggest problem right now is figuring out what to do then you are in good shape!"  And it's true, things could be much worse.

But I still don't know what to do with myself right now.

Ironically, although I think I don't know what to do, I have chosen.  To write this blog.

1 comment:

  1. Blogging is a perfectly respectable past time. As is running. And OH! did we rock the run, baby!!!!
