Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Called my Senator

I did it.  I just called my US Senator to express an opinion on legislation.  The Senator in question is Lamar Alexander of TN.  The legislation I was calling to support was the "Fair Elections Now Act".  The act supports across-the-board restrictions on big money donors to reduce the influence of monied lobbyists.  Some believe that the interests of lobbyists eclipse the interest of the American people.  I think it does too.  And my phone call was evidence.  The woman who answered the phone did not know of the act and said that the Senator has not released a statement on that.  Then she told me that she would pass on a message to  the Senator.  She did not ask my name.  I asked her why she didn't need my name.  She said that she can see on her caller ID that I am calling from a TN area code.  Oh really?  Makes me glad I finally got around to switching my cell phone area code from MA to TN.  Makes me glad I didn't call from the RI area code phone number I almost got so my Mom doesn't have to call long distance.

I think my story is in itself the case in point.  Congress can and does summarily dismiss the will of any constituent who does not have thousands of dollars to throw their way.  All the more reason for needing the Act in my opinion.

If you are interested in reading more, email me for the web site.  I want my FB experience to be a social one and not a political one (by and large) but on this issue I'm breeching the divide.

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