Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Celebrating MLK Day a Little Late

Okay, MLK day was a couple of weeks ago, but I realized today that I had never listened to the "I have a Dream" speech before and TED.com had it posted. So I'm linking it here and inviting my reader(s) (hee hee Joslyne, I'm practicing for more readers! :) ) to watch and listen and think about what it would have been like to have lived at that time and been there that day.

As I watched the speech I was struck by the behavior of the crowd while he spoke. They were listening calmly. Could all those people hear him? Was the sound system that good at that time? In any event, I'm sure I'll watch it again because I want to be sure that I really heard what he had to say.

So, without further ado, here is the link:

Martin Luther King Jr.: I have a dream | Video on TED.com

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