Saturday, January 30, 2010

Facebook Stati (plural of status)

Kate Myers Cotton believes that church and state should be kept completely separate.  This means that politicians need to succumb to the will of the variety of people they represent, not their own internal beliefs.

Kate Myers Cotton loves the idea of America as a melting pot and thinks this concept applies to religion as well as ethnicity.  Let's embrace and celebrate our diversity!

Kate Myers Cotton is inspired by the intelligence and leadership of President Obama.  Speaking up in the face of opposition is occasionally uncomfortable but often necessary.  Rational thinking people need to elevate their voices.

I'm not quite ready to use my voice on my actual Facebook account.  I'm afraid of ruining relationships with those who are on the other side of my thoughts.  But I am trying to get ready to do it.  I am.  I want to.  I need the courage to get out there.  I just don't quite have it yet.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Time vs. Money

The concept of time competing with money is so interesting to me.  As I get older, my goal is to strike the correct balance between working (and sometimes earning money) and enjoying the time in between work days.  In recent years I have felt a dearth of both time and money, but currently I feel almost desperate for more relaxed, unstructured time.  

I'm a big reader of the self-help-manage-your-time-better books and have found many reasonable hints along the way.  If I were to summarize the underlying theme of all those books, it would be "be organized so that you know what's going on and can relax and enjoy when its time".  Good idea.  Except being organized takes time!  I love it when I have the time to hunker down with my stuff and organize, organize organize.  But alas, I have not the time.

So when I find myself in the midst of that circular dilemma, I get neurotic.  How do other people do it?  Maybe I should go to the doctor to check for a major disease that affects my energy levels.  Maybe I'm more depressed than I think and as a result I have less energy than other, more normal people.  

Sometimes my mind goes to places that I like with this.  For instance, I fancy myself to be this introverted artist and genius who doesn't have time for the mundane because I have a heretofore unreleased genius output just struggling for birth.  (I like that one- if only reality would correspond.)

So, at the end of the day, I'm a regular person struggling with time management issues just like Anyone Else.  So if Anyone Else has any hints or thoughts on how to manage these things I'd very much appreciate it. Humorous diversions are welcome. :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Making a Difference and Haiti

The title of my blog says that I am trying to make a difference.  But sometimes it can be so hard to figure out just how to do it.  I have been watching the situation in Haiti and have been feeling sad for those people  but I have not yet done anything to help.  It isn't that I don't want to, it's just that it is hard to know what to do.  Oh, I have been getting bombarded on TV and the internet with suggestions on easy ways to give money- text $10 here or visit web site there.  The problem is this:  all the stories you hear about organizations mismanaging money and not really helping properly undermine my confidence.  Take, for example, the texting.  I heard in the news that the phone service companies were making big profits on the whole text to charity thing (via their text messaging fees).  Then I heard that they suspended their fee, which seems like a great thing.  But I'm still left confused.  Where exactly does the money go and when will it reach Haiti?  I'm overwhelmed to say the least.

I hope to do something by the end of the day, but there are almost too many choices.  It's confusing.  And I don't want to mix someone else's agenda with my intention.  I want the Hatian people to be physically cared for.  I really get ticked off at the idea of religious groups using "aid" as the hook to bulk up their own ranks.  Why must we drag religion into doing good deeds?  It wouldn't be so bad if we were mature enough not to ever use religion to treat each other like crap, but humankind has not proven themselves to be capable of such distinctions.  Hopefully I'll figure out some way to help.  Soon.