Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Second Entry

This writing stuff is difficult. What to write/share? One tries to be honest and genuine but some (like me) get worried about what she says and whether it will offend someone or cause me pain in the future. That comes from family mores of course. Well, maybe it isn't a moral tradition not to share "family business", but certainly my big family has a healthy fear that things they say and do might come back to bite them in the... Well, anyway. It is also a tenent of the family mores not to use unsavory words. I'm tempted to end here but feel like there should be some kind of satisfying ending. I can't provide that. Let's see how my writing progresses.

1 comment:

  1. bite them in the . . .what? the what exactly? The booooooo-taaaaaay!!!!! :) I am SO GLAD you started a blog!!!!!!
