Friday, May 21, 2010

Rand Paul Hits the Big Stage

I am riveted by the whole Rachel Maddow/Rand Paul interview.  Rand was saying things I've heard people I'm close to, including relatives, say in private.  It was very satisfying to hear the complexities of his view come into full light in the national public spotlight.  His views are like makeup that looks good in the mirror under low light but looks awful in the full light of day.  When exposed to the full light of national scrutiny, his views leave a lot to be desired.

Rand has a world perspective that reflects his limited, cozy life experiences.  As his views get debated on the larger stage, I hope that the value of a broader education becomes the lesson for people.  If people spend a percent of the time they spent reading the Bible on learning more about the rest of the world outside of Christianity, they would serve the planet better.  Education is such a gift because it can give us a view outside of our life bubble.  I personally have a thirst to understand the experiences of others as best I can given the limitations of my perspective.  I hope that the lesson from Rand Paul is for more people to step out of their small, limited world view and attempt to see the world as it affects more people.  Only then can we have true empathy.


  1. I would think that those people who are "reading the Bible" and aren't out there in the world... aren't really reading their Bibles. But that's just me! No argument intended--just pointing out another view. :)
    I completely agree with the idea that true empathy comes from getting outside our houses and into other people's hearts.

    P. S. You would really like this blog:

    P. S. S. Your writing is fantastic, and so is your grammar. Um, not that i would expect your writing/grammar to stink! *mumble* You write well. There.

  2. Rachel, I am so excited to get your points of view! Thank you for sharing yourself that way. :) I am going to follow up on that web site.

  3. BTW- I appreciate the feedback on my grammar. It's been so long since I've had someone evaluate it (ie, a teacher with a red pen) that it makes me feel better to know I'm not completely butchering the English language! :)
